Hello, and welcome back!
For today's Pulse, head here.
A free wheeling chat on learning from what past patterns around collaborations, relationship-building, isolation, counter and interdependence may be showing up right now. The myth that oppression uses to perpetrate disempowerment is that we are alone, or that we need to do everything ourselves and for ourselves. I see today's pulse as more of a weekly mood with respect to really seeing yourself and relational patterns in a new light. I hope this helps.
As always, thank you for coming by! I published my second book of poems! You can read it here. Lastly, if this (or anything I have shared on The Daily Pulse so far) has resonated with you, or has impacted your life in a good way, please do take the time to support me in doing this by buying me a coffee, for as little as $5. Every bit of support is much appreciated. Thank you!
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